
The numbers in different languages
The numbers in different languages

the numbers in different languages the numbers in different languages

Some analysts recognize the existence of another consonant, the / ɰ/ used only in the diphthong /ɰi/, and describe Korean's sound inventory as having as many as ten vowels. The nine marginal consonants are considered allophones and occur as contrastive only in loanwords and some Sino-Japanese vocabulary. Long vowels are considered to be sequences of vowels and so are not counted as phonemes. Vowels / ɑ/ and / œ̃/ have been merged into / a/ and / ɛ̃/, respectively, in Parisian French. The parenthesized righthand side of expressions indicates marginal phonemes. Dark-shaded cells indicate extinct languages. The languages are classified under primary language families, which may be hypothesized, marked in italics, but do not include ones discredited by mainstream scholars (e.g. This list features standard dialects of languages. This list is incomplete you can help by adding missing items.

The numbers in different languages